Love You

Smile for no reason – Happiness is a choice

Love You… start there

I Love You
I am Sorry
Please Forgive Me
Thank You

I am Spirit, I have a body and I have a mind. Body and Mind are evolving in order to let Spirit emerge in pure Joy and Bliss.

The most simple humble statements can have the most incredible impact in your life.

I Love You: say this to your self first. Really feel it. Stand in front of your mirror every day, every morning, every night… and really say this and mean this to yourself.

When I first tried this, I could not even say I like you, because at the time…well, I hated me.

Go, right now, and look at yourself in a mirror, and tell yourself you love you… Look into your eyes and say “I Love You”

How did it feel?
Why did it feel that way?
What is stopping you from Loving You?
Who told you, you were not worthy? you were not deserving?

Realize it was not your truth.
It was just their opinion.

Don’t Believe a word they say…

start with this.

Pay It Forward – random acts of kindness, it’s the best legacy of all

42 Ideals of Ma’at

I honor virtue
I benefit with gratitude
I am peaceful
I respect the property of others
I affirm that all life is sacred
I give offerings that are genuine
I live in truth
I regard all altars with respect
I speak with sincerity
I consume only my fair share
I offer words of good intent
I relate in peace
I honor animals with reverence
I can be trusted
I care for the Earth
I keep my own counsel
I speak positively of others
I remain in balance with my emotions
I am trustful in my relationships
I hold purity in high esteem
I spread Joy
I do the best I can
I communicate with compassion
I listen to opposing opinions
I create Harmony
I invoke laughter
I am open to love in various forms
I am forgiving
I am kind
I act respectfully of others
I am accepting
I follow my inner guidance
I converse with awareness
I do good
I give blessings
I keep the waters pure
I speak with good intent
I praise the Goddess and the God
I am humble
I achieve with integrity
I advanced through my own abilities
I embrace the all

these are the 42 Ideals of Ma’at

Food for thought . . .
I watched my step dad regain his hearing when he got Alzheimer.
He forgot he had hearing loss !

Vegan D didnt Work for Me

A couple of years ago I got tested for  D.  To my surprise it was super low, well below the 30 to 100 range the test form said I should be in.

Being vegetarian/vegan/plant based  (yes, I go back and forth in that range). I went looking for a  vegan or vegetarian  supplement, to start taking while I waited to see my main doctor again to get prescribed the D.

In the mean time conversations with my daughter  informed me that my grand daughter  also had low D levels and that her doctor had prescribed 10,000 iu per day and even 50,000 iu per week  doses to take.

Armed with that information I got a vegan D supplement at wholefoods.  the price was close to $1 per capsule.   My Dr, for what ever reason, chose to not believe that the test accurately reflected my D levels, and refused to prescribe the D!  Well I was upset but then it turns out there are no vegan or vegetarian D’s that he could have prescribed.

A year later I got retested, and low and behold, after a year of truly expensive Vegan D, my levels had moved up, just a tiny bit, and I was still below the 30-100 range !    I poured into more research and discovered that the Vegan D I was taking was D2 (Ergocalciferol), and that the non-vegan D was D3  .   The supposed vegan D3 from Lichen was really D2 with only trace amounts, if any ,of D3.

Well I needed D3 not D2.

I settled on the Solgar D3  made from the oil on wool (yes, sheep) in a vegetable capsule. I have been using supplements, many times in extremely  high doses, following the work done by  Durke Pearson and Sandy Shaw from their book “Life Extension: A Practical Scientific Approach”.  Going back to the 1990’s, Solgar has been one of the few companies that offered vegetarian formulations that I have relied on for supplementation.  I should have taken a hint hint when Solgar did not offer a Vegetarian form of D.

Not long  after I started taking the Solgar D3 I was in an accident. During the hospital stay my D levels where tested. To my surprise I was now at the low end of the 30-100 range that I had been trying to get to for over a year!

I continue to take the Solgar D3 ( 5000iu capsules 2x a day ) as I want to reach the high end of the acceptable range.

It also seems that I am getting some extra benefits  because at this particular point in history, taking D3 can help my body with the Coronavirus.

Yes, getting outdoors into some sunlight is great, but I am home bound these days in chronic pain.  Getting around is just not as easy, but sunny or not, I am giving my body the D3 it needs.


Stay Healthy My Friends #COVID19

I have been using High dose Vitamin C for a few decades now. I don’t get colds, the flu or coughs.

As soon as I start to get any symptoms I increase my vitamin C doses and by the end of the day what ever it was is gone. My friends and daughter use it. All have had great results.

I am currently taking 3 grams per day

During these times, keep yourself healthy.

How I use Vitamin C:

1000 mg = 1 gram

This is how I use it.  I am not a doctor.  I am not giving you medical advice. I am sharing what I have been using to stay healthy.

I am over 50. I am home bound due to arthritis.

I always  select a Vitamin C in the form of Ascorbic Acid alone that is not a time release.  It’s ok if it has Rutin, Hesperidin and citrus bioflavinoids in it.  I wont ever use  Ascorbyl Palmitate or Emergen-C for the high doses taken several times an hour or even every hour. for 1x a day they are  fine.

Right now I am taking 3 grams per day to prevent catching anything. if I feel that I have been exposed I will move up to 6- 9 grams per day in divided doses with meals.

if I start to get any symptoms like a cough, fever, scratchy throat, runny nose, ear infection, etc, then I will :

* 1 grams  every 20 minutes,  if mild symptoms

*2 grams every 20 minutes , if I have serious symptoms

when I take the C I have it with a glass of water or juice and a bite of something.

* I never use time release, Ascorbyl Palmitate or Emergen-C for these high oral doses

* when I  start to get looser stools or a rumble in the tummy, I know that I have  taken all my  body can use. At that point I  start to reduce slowly how much I am are taking: From 2g per 20 min, to 1g per 20 min, to 1g per 30 min, to 1g per hour

Click here for  info on taking it intravenously

Back in February my daughter became very ill with the virus type symptoms. Because she was already in such bad shape at the time I also gave her to take  1x per day 5000 iu D,   1g Lysine, 1000 iu E, 100mcg Selenium, and  25000 iu Beta carotene.  it took the 3 but she completely recovered

Stay Healthy My friends


See the Video Below for Children

Academic Lecture on Vitamin C

Academic Lecture on Vitamin C

#3 of 5 : Feed your Hair

#3 Cholesterol & Protein hair treatment: weekly, monthly or quarterly

My life rule for “feed your hair” is if I cant eat it I will not put it on my hair or body. My goal is to use products that are free of toxin free. Life is hard enough without poisoning myself with all sorts of products.

Part of the treatment I got at the salon each time was a cholesterol treatment.  This was one hour in the heating cap with a bunch of goop in my hair. it left my hair smooth shiny ans strong.

Later when I did not live near the salon I used the Queen Helene Hair Conditioning Cream, Super Cholesterol to do this treatment at home.

You can also make a “Hair Mayonnaise” yourself.  you just need a couple of eggs, and a few tablespoons of organic oils like coconut oil, extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil.

Basic Hair Mayonnaise for short hair:
2 whole raw eggs
2 tbsp coconut oil
1 tbsp olive oil
Place all in blender and mix on high to form a mayonnaise like cream

Place on dry hair from root to ends

Cover hair with plastic hair cap and then a towel to keep warm

Leave on for at least an hour then wash hair with water only to rinse out the cream.

Towel dry your hair as usual.

#2 of 5 : keep the scalp clean ( wash often! )

#2 Wash hair with water daily and maybe monthly or less  with a cleaner

To some people this may seem like an unnecessary instruction.  I have learned  over the years that there are 2 thoughts on this subject.  There are folks that grew up washing there hair every day or every other day, and then there are people like me who grew up washing hair once a month or so.

Wash Daily
I grew up surrounded by adults that taught me to wash my hair not more than once a month. As I grew up I got exposed to other people who washed their hair every day!  They had longer hair than i did or cut there hair often to keep it short. The point is their hair seemed to be growing and mine was not!

Wet hair does not leads to Colds.
Now I was told I would get sick if I went out with my hair wet.  That to wash the hair meant hours of detangling, putting on rollers, and sitting under a hair dryer.  Essentially a whole day had to be set aside to do this.  My mom never used a blow dryer but she did have curling irons and she used them on me.  I had scars on my scalp from them. I have learned now that there is now illness waiting fir me if I step out with wet hair.  I just bring an extra scarf, bandana, or hat to keep me a bit warmer if the weather is cold. In the summer it feels so great to be out with the hair wet. it cools me down and is so refreshing.

Just Water, no shampoo.
Now life is very different. I wash my hair with just water, almost every single day.  If I shower then I am wetting my hair. I don’t use any shampoo on it, just water.

Deep Clean with Dr Bronners
If I need to remove the old rancid oils from my hair or I got stuff in it from camping, swimming, or hiking then I wash it using Dr Bronners Peppermint liquid soap.  I will do a really good lather up with it and rinse.  Afterwards I will use extra oils to condition it.

Conditioner = Organic Oils.
After towel drying my hair I add organic coconut oil to it. I use about 1- 2 tsp now that my hair is short. As it gets longer I will increase the amount.   The oil goes on the scalp and then I let it spread to the length of the hair.  You can also use  extra virgin olive oil or sesame oil.

#1 of 5 : keep the hair you have – Combs, and Combing

#1 Comb in Reverse


One of the first things I learned at the Maria Madora  long hair salon in NYC was about combing.

I was already using wide tooth combs but I would always start at the root of the hair and work my way down with the knots all collecting as I went down the hair. This ultimately collected all the knots near the ends and broke off a lot of those hair ends.  This in fact guaranteed that my hair would stay short.  The hair would grow at the root and I would break of  about the same length at the bottom through this combing processes.

At the salon they pointed out 2 things: 1) the comb really mattered and 2) how I combined could make a huge impact

1.1 ) Combs:
Most combs are made with a small ridge in the inside of the teeth because of the molds used to make them.  These ridges on the inside of the combs scrape against the hair, tearing it, snagging it and breaking it.   You can either Click Here to order the same combs  I use ( #59 and #116 ) or get a wood or metal combs that have smooth teeth with no ridges in them.  The comb should have wide teeth.  No find teeth combs to be used at all for detangling and styling

1.2) Brushes:
Get a natural boars bristle brush for final touches.  The brush is not to be used for detangling.  We are NOT going to be doing the 100 brush stokes to move the oils from the root to the ends. My hair is very thin, fine and breaks easily at this time so minimal brushing will be done.

1.3) Finger Combing:
This is my primary method of combing my hair. its very short now, about 4- 6 inches long and runing the fingers though it is enough.

2) Comb in Reverse
this was the single most important thing that I learned at the Salon.  a)  hold the hair near the ends, comb down from the hand hold to the ends.  then move had up about an inch and comb this next section. Keep moving up an inch or so at a time until you get to the root.   this leads to the least breakage, pulling and knotting.  very little hair shedding and loss as compared to combing from the root first.  If you only to this you will see a big difference over time.



5 Steps to Grow Long Hair

I learned from Maria Madora at the long hair salon in NYC how to grow my hair long. I went to that salon for many years to during which my hair did indeed grow long and beautiful.  If you are in the NYC area and can go to the Salon, that would be great! They do a consultation  to evaluate your particular situation and give you specific recommendations for your hair.  This is how I got started.  I went regularly for the hair treatments, used the products and used their combs.  They are the best. 
Over the years I moved away, life got busy and I went looking for ways to do some of what they taught me outside of the salon. I also looked for ways to keep to the vegetarian, chemical and toxin free life I was building.
Here are the basic rules I follow, more details later.
1) keep the hair you have  ( how to comb )
2) keep the scalp clean   ( wash often! )
3) if I cant eat it i will not put it on my hair or body ( products, toxin free living )
4) be gentle ( styles, rubber bands, hair dryers, curling irons,  and yes combing again )
5) feed the hair and scalp  ( healthy scalp makes more hair, healthy hair does not break )

That Long Hair I love … and miss

Even though my hair is very short now,
I have every plan to grow it long again.

From the time I was a young girl till I was a young adult my hair would not go past my shoulders.   Then I took steps to grow it long.  It went from shoulder length to down to the small of my lower back  and finally to the crack of my butt

Due to several car accidents that left me with neck injuries, deteriorating cevical bones and spinal discs out of place I was no longer able to properly care for my hair and had my daughter box braid it with the intent t let it grow into dread locks, which it did.

I finally realized the weight of my hair on my neck was an issue in the pain I was experiencing and  I recently cut it, but I really miss it.

As my injury heals I plan to grow back my hair back. My hair  has grown 6 inches in the last 2 years while I had in the dread locks. I am now removing the dread locks. Yes that is right I am removing them not cutting them off. My hair is too thin and fine and the locks that formed have been very hard and solid and don’t feel good to me. So they have to go, but I have no plans t be bald.

I would like to share with you what I do to grow my hair again as I do a second pass on growing my hair long

Environment is Stronger than Willpower

I remember reading this line in a home study lessons I took by Paramahansa Yogananda.  They were just words. Some part of me hoped it was not true. In fact I would say that a good deal of my life was spent trying to prove this statement wrong.


Every time I went on a vacation to California, after a few days, I would reach a point of clarity about my life and what I wanted to do.   Problem was as soon as I returned home, “home” and “habit” would engulf me back into my old routines and the clarity and the plans I had made while away would be rescheduled, put on hold, lost,and then forgotten.

I just did not get it- How could I be so clear when I was away on a trip, but could not hold on to that when I got home to my comfortable apartment.

It has taken many years for me to finally accept that statement “Environment is stronger than willpower”. I am no longer trying to disprove it.  I see the reality of it and have experienced it many times.

Getting away even for a few days or a few hours into nature can bring me that clarity.

Feeling stuck in a rut?

go to a park, hug that tree

walk barefoot on the beach or at the park or in your yard,

go to a new place

best of all . . .  Take a Vacation!

Just 3 days and 2 nights in a hotel,  a completely different environment,   can help you get clear.  Make some solid plans with dead lines while you are away.  Get an accountability partner to help you stay focused when you return.

Give it a try

Try it for your self and then journal your experience.